Little Mermaid Jr. 2023
Thank you for choosing to become a sponsor of the Little Mermaid Jr. at CPAC. Our Sponsorship Options are listed below, please select whatever you feel comfortable with and THANK YOU for your support!
Sponsorship Choices
PRESENTING SPONSOR: $500 – Includes: 6 show tickets, a half-page advertisement in Playbill, a mention in Facebook and e-mail promotions and follow-ups, and one live on-stage appreciation appearance. CLICK HERE TO BECOME A PRESENTING SPONSOR
GOLD SPONSOR: $250 – Includes: 4 show tickets, a quarter-page advertisement in Playbill, a mention in Facebook and e-mail promotions and follow-ups. CLICK HERE TO BECOME A GOLD SPONSOR
SILVER SPONSOR: $100 – Includes: 2 show tickets, inclusion in list of sponsors, a mention in Facebook and e-mail promotions and follow-ups. CLICK HERE TO BECOME A SILVER SPONSOR
BRONZE SPONSOR: $50 – Includes: Inclusion in list of sponsors, a mention in Facebook and e-mail promotions and follow-ups. CLICK HERE TO BECOME A BRONZE SPONSOR